Virtual Event or Nah? PR Yourself podcast interview with PR Pro Cynthia Smoot

Leah Frazier of Think Three Media invited Cynthia Smoot of Gangway Advertising -- a noted publicist in Dallas, socialite and O.G. blogger also known as "Oh So Cynthia" -- to be a guest on the debut episode of her new podcast, PR Yourself. Smoot has perfected the PR Pandemic Pivot in terms of virtual events and has assisted many local nonprofits in creating successful virtual events. In this episode, titled “Virtual Event or Nah?,” Leah and Cynthia talk about the critical need nonprofits have had in 2020 to figure out the virtual event space and how she led Gangway’s clients to financial success in doing so. Click HERE to give the episode a listen on iTunes or listen via the YouTube link below.

Cynthia Smoot